The Trinidad Bay Watershed Council invites interested community members to participate in a discussion about potential pollution sources and impacts in the Luffenholtz Creek and other Trinidad Bay Watersheds. The TBWC meeting will be held…Continue readingWatershed Pollution Concerns
Tag: pollution prevention
Storm water runoff from the City streets in the lower part of Trinidad, the harbor parking lot, and the HSU Marine Lab flow into Trinidad Bay without being treated. Bacteria, metals and other pollutants in…Continue readingTwo grant proposals for $5.17 million to benefit Trinidad Bay
TBWC Meets Monday July 18 at 6:30 pm
All are welcome at the Trinidad Bay Watershed Council meeting Monday July 18 at 6:30 pm in the Civic Club Room at City Hall. Meeting topics will include: Trinidad Bay Watershed Project Updates Assistance Program…Continue readingTBWC Meets Monday July 18 at 6:30 pm
Monday January 25, 6:30 pm at Trinidad Town Hall, the Trinidad Bay Watershed Council invites Trinidad and Westhaven residents to hear a presentation and discussion of several topics including the Septic System (OWTS) Upgrade Assistance…Continue readingSeptic System Upgrade Programs Discussed at TBWC Meeting Monday January 25
OWTS , Oh My!
Two meetings in two days about Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) at Trinidad Town Hall that you might want to attend. At the Trinidad Bay Watershed Council meeting 6:30 p.m. on Monday, there will be…Continue readingOWTS , Oh My!
Bacterial contamination at Trinidad-Westhaven beaches may be partly due to failing septic systems, so maintaining your septic system is a must! The County has released for public review and comment several documents for the Onsite…Continue readingCounty Septic System Draft Regulations Released
Please help the Trinidad-Westhaven watershed partners update the 2015 Watershed Plan. Much has been accomplished and many projects completed since the Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan was first completed in 2008. It’s time to cross…Continue readingShare Your Ideas for the Trinidad-Westhaven Watershed Plan Update
TBWC February 2015 Newsletter
Feb 2015 TBWC News: What about the Drought? The Trinidad Bay Watershed Council presents the latest news from the Trinidad Bay Watersheds. We received some nice rain in December and February, however the drought is…Continue readingTBWC February 2015 Newsletter
Trinidad Bay Watershed Council and the North Coast Stormwater Coalition (NCSC) invite all Trinidad and Westhaven community members to participate in the 2015 Stormwater Survey.Continue readingParticipate in the Stormwater Coalition’s Survey